October 15, 2008

The importance of prayer

Thank you students and parents for helping us make our first class a success.

Reminder: Your children need to bring their books and folders to class with them each week. If everyone remembers to do this, they get a star on Mrs. Charette's incentive board, which will hopefully lead to a class party in the future.

We kicked off class this week by talking about the components of prayer and its importance in our lives. We reviewed how to make the sign of the cross (which can be tricky for children) in order to bless ourselves before we pray and went on to review the Lord's Prayer.
  • Tip: Learning how to recite your prayers with confidence takes time and practice. As a family, you may want to take a few minutes each evening to review how to make the sign of the cross and recite prayers such as the Hail Mary, the Lord's Prayer and the Glory be to the Father.
We also started our class prayer chain. Each class, the children will write down what or whom they would like to pray for that week and connect all of the prayer intentions together. When the children make the sacrament of reconciliation in February, we will present the prayer chain to Father Damian.
  • Making your own family a prayer chain is a great way to reinforce the lessons in Faith Formation. You use the time to pray for just about anything including people going through tough times or express gratitude for the blessings in your lives

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